Our Standards

At Vitality Greens, we are committed to setting a new standard for the super green food industry. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality, nutrient-rich products that promote health and vitality. We take pride in doing things the right way, upholding the highest standards of quality and integrity in every step of our process. From sourcing only the finest ingredients to crafting each product with care, we strive to exceed your expectations and help you achieve optimal wellness. Our dedication to perfecting our products is unmatched, and we are constantly pushing ourselves to improve and raise the bar for what it means to be a premium super green food brand.



We scour the world to source the finest ingredients for our vitality greens, subjecting them to rigorous screening before they become part of our supply chain. Our aim is not only to ensure the potency of vitality greens, but also to ensure a delightful flavor profile that you'll love drinking every day.


Our FDA & TGA registered, cGMP compliant facilities manufacture vitality greens, adhering to the highest manufacturing standards.


To guarantee the purity and authenticity of vitality greens, we subject it to the NSF Certified for Sport® program, which entails thorough examination and verification to ensure that each serving is precisely as stated on the label, devoid of heavy metals, contaminants, and over 280 banned substances by major athletic organizations. NSF is the only independent third-party certification program recognized by professional sports leagues. We also conduct additional third-party testing on vitality greens regularly to detect over 190 herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals, common allergens, and other harmful substances.

Adapting to changes in Science.

We meticulously blend decades of established research with cutting-edge clinical studies and biotechnology to create the most effective formulation for our vitality greens. Our approach incorporates the latest discoveries in nutritional research related to phytonutrients, micronutrients, the microbiome, and other vital areas. That's why we've continuously refined our vitality greens through 52 iterations, and we're committed to ongoing improvement.
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  • Dr Emilio Leon

    "I have been consuming vitality greens on a daily basis for the past decade and find it to be an exceptional product. Its unique blend of ingredients, backed by extensive research, provides a convenient way to enhance one's nutritional intake and support a healthy lifestyle."

  • MD Physician Wáng Chen

    "The road to longevity is built on five pillars, and nutrition is a crucial one among them. However, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet on a daily basis can be quite challenging. Vitality greens can make things simpler by providing the necessary and essential nutrients, which are not always easy to access, and enabling individuals to take a hands-off approach towards their nutritional needs."

  • Pro Athlete Harry Jones

    "As a professional athlete, my body is my most valuable asset, and I am always looking for ways to optimize my nutrition to perform at my best. Vitality greens has been a game-changer for me. Its powerful blend of nutrient-dense ingredients has helped me maintain my energy levels throughout the day and recover faster after intense workouts. With Vitality greens, I know I am giving my body the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to support my active lifestyle.

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